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Casual channels / ask-a-mod
Ask the mod team anything you want to whether it's about the subreddit or a more general question.
Sir Bradduck Flyntmoore 9/16/2023 1:33 PM
So this is like tag-a-mod, but without the push notif to your mod server, plus, I'm guessing, a more lighthearted or casual environment? Or is this like the "I need mod advice/perspective" channel? Or...?
No push notifications... think of it as like #ask a mod QA --> you asked your questions about the perms in General. This would have been a slightly better place for it.
3:20 PM
That way, in case somebody else has the same question, maybe we can turn this place into a living FAQ
Sir Bradduck Flyntmoore 9/16/2023 3:21 PM
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 1:16 PM
Questions about how we operate? Want to know why we did something as a mod team? Burning desire to know why there's an option trader on the mod team? Ask away here. No question is off limits. We will answer everything to the best of our ability and if we are unable to answer, we will at least take the time to explain why.
Lyrad (Crybad) pinned a message to this channel. 9/18/2023 1:16 PM
i am curious about all the talk about mass bans handed out over the book vs plan debate. i don't know whether there was any truth to it or not
i am curious about all the talk about mass bans handed out over the book vs plan debate. i don't know whether there was any truth to it or not
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 2:03 PM
You can't start with an easy question like "What's your favorite color?"
🤣 5
i am curious about all the talk about mass bans handed out over the book vs plan debate. i don't know whether there was any truth to it or not
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 2:05 PM
which mass banning are we talking about, 8 months ago or 2 months ago?
2:05 PM
or both, or neither
i am curious about all the talk about mass bans handed out over the book vs plan debate. i don't know whether there was any truth to it or not
I can elaborate on this because one of the mods asked me to look up how many bans we actually doled out. It was like... Oh man I might need to check my notes... Something like 25 bans
2:09 PM
Over the course of a week
2:10 PM
And I'm assuming you're talking about the one that was like 2 months ago
2:10 PM
This is definitely something where we can break down a little bit more detail about what happened and why
2:10 PM
But as with so many things it's not a simple question and it won't have a simple answer
2:12 PM
The bans weren't about book/plan. Most of us are booked. We support drs and book. It's that things were getting really toxic and we needed to take down the temperature
2:12 PM
But we can put together a little explanation of at least our perspective of what happened
If it helps, my POV during all that time was that I was mostly a lurker who had done the research into DRS/DSPP and pointing out that DSPP is not DRS. At the time we collectively knew a lot less about the distinctions than we do today, and I wanted to clarify the differences I'd found so far. It was an open avenue for thread-pullin', but all conversation was getting shuttered. A lot of Apes I know and talk to, and from chatter in other Ape communities (e.g. Kiraverse Discord), were feeling about the same generally speaking from what I saw. So yeah that whole thing had me as a mostly-lurker finally feel the need to speak up and engage with the sub, but since all discussion was banned I had to resort to memes. Sorry @FluffyTrex for that interaction, I was feeling frustrated with the whole thing. Honestly though that lead me to being more active in the Discord and the sub a bit and honestly none of the mods I've seen post in Discord are as sus as I had begun to think they were. Could they still be CIA plants? Absolutely, and it's not entirely irrational to think that's a possibility if even some of what the sub surfaces is true. (edited)
💯 2
🫧 1
If it helps, my POV during all that time was that I was mostly a lurker who had done the research into DRS/DSPP and pointing out that DSPP is not DRS. At the time we collectively knew a lot less about the distinctions than we do today, and I wanted to clarify the differences I'd found so far. It was an open avenue for thread-pullin', but all conversation was getting shuttered. A lot of Apes I know and talk to, and from chatter in other Ape communities (e.g. Kiraverse Discord), were feeling about the same generally speaking from what I saw. So yeah that whole thing had me as a mostly-lurker finally feel the need to speak up and engage with the sub, but since all discussion was banned I had to resort to memes. Sorry @FluffyTrex for that interaction, I was feeling frustrated with the whole thing. Honestly though that lead me to being more active in the Discord and the sub a bit and honestly none of the mods I've seen post in Discord are as sus as I had begun to think they were. Could they still be CIA plants? Absolutely, and it's not entirely irrational to think that's a possibility if even some of what the sub surfaces is true. (edited)
If it makes you feel better Prog I have no memory of what you're referring to. Either it's the same stuff I'd seen before or my anxiety driven memory loss has thrown it in a chasm. Either way you've no negative feelings from me. 💜
💜 1
If it makes you feel better Prog I have no memory of what you're referring to. Either it's the same stuff I'd seen before or my anxiety driven memory loss has thrown it in a chasm. Either way you've no negative feelings from me. 💜
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 4:06 PM
i am curious about all the talk about mass bans handed out over the book vs plan debate. i don't know whether there was any truth to it or not
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 4:58 PM
So I wasn't there during the most recent banwave (I was on hiatus when it happened) I think i can provide some context into what happened before that and leading up to it.
4:58 PM
While we wait for Luma to deal with family stuff
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/18/2023 5:13 PM
RE: banning of drsyourgme mods We ended up pre-emptively banning all the mods from r/drsyourgme immediately after their sub went down (or maybe it was after they migrated to another sub and that sub got shut down also). This was a purely defensive and reactionary move. We didn't know why their sub went down, but we did know that many of their users were angry and assumed it was our doing. (for the record, I was happy that sub existed for the 100% pure book DRSers, this allowed Superstonk to be more inclusive to the "There's no wrong way to hold" adage and let them hyper-focus on Book/DRS/activism ) When the Reddit Admins (Radmins) came down on them hard, we made a group decision to distance ourselves as much as possible to prevent any collateral damage from the Radmins thinking we were supporting whatever it was they got nuked for. Internally, we were hoping that after some time, they would appeal, and then we would restore them, but it never came about. (Losing Bibic Jr in particular really sucked because that cat has done so much for the DRS guides) speculation by me - I assume that since they were anti-censorship, they didn't remove a lot of the brigading/call out posts in their own sub since it was a safe haven for the banned from Superstonk. It's not enough to just remove rule breaking posts, you need to do it in a timely fashion, and I don't think they were doing that. I truly wish they weren't nuked, it was a blow to some of the most pro-GME people of this saga, and we need every ape and as much visibility as possible (i know they are on lemmy but, it's not the same when it comes to visibility)
1:09 AM
So, I definitely agree with much of what you said, although as I recall the timing of everything we banned them after their sub was removed by Reddit. I'm not sure how well I'm going to do with the timeline here (you'll understand that the longer you do this the less that time means anything... it already feels like the SCC has been running for a week and a half to me) but I'll try my best to provide context. Know that for everything I'm about to say, this doesn't necessarily mean that I personally was pushing for one of the outcomes, I'm going to speak about what happened and what we decided as a team, even though in most cases there was a lot of internal debate and discussions that I'm not going to get into. So... for reasons I don't completely understand, some folks started running with theories about why book was better than plan. For some folks who really bought into these theories, there were corresponding DDs like the Heat Lamp one and some other ones (yes, you can say their names). Everything that we'd been directly told by Computershare (and I've personally been in these calls) indicated to us that book and plan were functionally registered in your name. So, our position has been based on that feedback. We've never said that plan is better or worse. But the narrative has been that mods hate book and love plan. We thought we were helping the situation to make a megathread about it - a singular place where the theories could be discussed and if there was seismic new information it wouldn't be all fragmented around the sub, and included at every turn instructions for how to make your shares book, if you were so inclined. It's true, some of the mods supported plan recurring buys as an easy way to continue to add shares, but we honestly don't have an agenda one way or the other. Many of us have shared that we have our shares in book too. But this sets the stage. The narrative for many folks is that mods hate book and we're pushing everything into this megathread and removing stuff from the sub to control the narrative. Perhaps we could have handled it better and just let the community run wild with their theories, but that's the benefit of hindsight. We felt the tension of trying to manage misinformation and trying not to intervene in what were theories that were gaining popularity. (edited)
1:10 AM
Fast forward a bit, we are seeking information from Computershare to clarify whether there are functional differences between how plan and book shares are held/lent/borrowed/etc... and information is not coming in ways that are ironclad clear or quick. Everything they say has to go through their legal team, so it ends up taking a long time and getting converted to legalese. There's several DDs that gain almost immediate popularity pushing the theory that any fractional shares in your account (at all) render the entire account accessible to be lent/used as a locate. There's lots of people arguing about this - some who think the theory is plausible and some who think it's not supported by evidence. There's a lot of infighting in the comment section. We see that DRSyourGME is linking and referencing content on Superstonk and there are inorganic mass downvoting of any content that doesn't support what is emerging as their sort of house-brand-theory which is that book is good and plan is bad, essentially. Some of the DD supporting these theories was removed, which, again, was probably a misstep on our part in hindsight. But that's when things really started getting blown out of proportion. The people who believed in the heat lamp theory stuff felt that its removal from Superstonk was proof positive that it was correct and that we were suppressing it. I think its popularity was probably, at least partially, attributable to this "forbidden DD" branding that they ran with. What our experience was during this time was that we were seeing more and more (and escalating) evidence of people coming forward to promote their belief in book, but not being civil about it. We've said time and again as a team, and you'll see no shortage of me personally saying it: there's no wrong way to hold. If you want to play options, do it. If you like book, book 'em. If you like DRS, do it. If you can't or don't, that shouldn't exclude you from participation in GME or this sub -- basically if you're bullish on GME you deserve a seat at the table. Well, it was our experience that there was a good chunk (not everybody) of people who were "pro book" to the exclusion of anything else. We saw evidence of bullying and gatekeeping that comes from comment sections where people post their purple circles and then get harassed by people who were posting primarily on DRSyourGME. It needed to stop - toxic gatekeeping and bullying, based on a theory, no less, was creating a toxic environment for people. We identified some of the biggest offenders - people with egregious comments and issued some bans (not all permanent, but escalating) with warnings to be civil. On average over the lifetime of the sub, I think that we average something like 15 bans a day (again, not all of which are permanent, most are for 1-7 days). During this particular weekend (which is I think the time period that you're asking about) we issued a total of 24 bans. It was actually less that our daily average. But these were some of the most outspoken (read: toxic) people who were vocally promoting book to the exclusion of other investment strategies. (edited)
1:10 AM
I think the combination of the prior accusations that our team was promoting plan as opposed to book (definitely not our intent, but we understand why that argument was being made) and the fact that some of these popular DD posts were removed and consolidated to one thread... and the fact that we ultimately made the decision to ban some of the most outspoken people really created a perception that there was tremendous conflict between superstonk and the DRSyourGME folks. In fact, like Lyrad said above... we really appreciated that they made their own community, and reached out to them immediately via modmail with a very respectful modmail message that I personally wrote to them. They did not respond. I'd be happy to share it, although we never shared it with the sub. Essentially we welcomed them as peers and offered to help them get set up with automod and other things that might make their lives easier. When they were removed by Reddit, which was likely the result of their allowing brigading and harassment, although we don't know for sure, we were conflicted. On the one hand, it did sort of quiet down the toxicity about book/plan when they moved off platform to their lemmy site, but like Lyrad said, they are pro-gme and pro-drs folks, and their sudden removal reinforced how tenuous our thread is with Reddit, and how quickly the community can find themselves looking for shelter. Be that as it all may, there's no ill will. I think, on balance, suggestions that we did "mass-bannings" are a little overblown. There's no doubt that some very vocal people were banned. Many of them were simply just so fixated that book was the way that they forgot that there's room for everybody. I'm not the DD expert here. I'm not the market expert. I don't pretend to be. But from what I understand, much of the Heat Lamp and other stuff has been disproven by data. That's how theories are supposed to work. You come up with a theory, then you test and collect data and revise your theory to match what is observed. I don't know why this particular concept resonated with so many folks but it really seemed to take hold suddenly. (edited)
1:10 AM
As far as our official position is concerned: there doesn't seem to be any downside to holding in book. There may be upside. It's easy enough to do. We support autobuys through plan - but we also support buying with a broker and transferring as well as buying straight through manual buys on computershare. Why? Because we support GME. Anybody with a bull thesis on the stock is on our side. I hope that answers your question.
Also, my favorite color is blue.
💙 2
I think the combination of the prior accusations that our team was promoting plan as opposed to book (definitely not our intent, but we understand why that argument was being made) and the fact that some of these popular DD posts were removed and consolidated to one thread... and the fact that we ultimately made the decision to ban some of the most outspoken people really created a perception that there was tremendous conflict between superstonk and the DRSyourGME folks. In fact, like Lyrad said above... we really appreciated that they made their own community, and reached out to them immediately via modmail with a very respectful modmail message that I personally wrote to them. They did not respond. I'd be happy to share it, although we never shared it with the sub. Essentially we welcomed them as peers and offered to help them get set up with automod and other things that might make their lives easier. When they were removed by Reddit, which was likely the result of their allowing brigading and harassment, although we don't know for sure, we were conflicted. On the one hand, it did sort of quiet down the toxicity about book/plan when they moved off platform to their lemmy site, but like Lyrad said, they are pro-gme and pro-drs folks, and their sudden removal reinforced how tenuous our thread is with Reddit, and how quickly the community can find themselves looking for shelter. Be that as it all may, there's no ill will. I think, on balance, suggestions that we did "mass-bannings" are a little overblown. There's no doubt that some very vocal people were banned. Many of them were simply just so fixated that book was the way that they forgot that there's room for everybody. I'm not the DD expert here. I'm not the market expert. I don't pretend to be. But from what I understand, much of the Heat Lamp and other stuff has been disproven by data. That's how theories are supposed to work. You come up with a theory, then you test and collect data and revise your theory to match what is observed. I don't know why this particular concept resonated with so many folks but it really seemed to take hold suddenly. (edited)
Great write up. I think it covers all the FAQ stuff.
Platinumsparkles 9/19/2023 3:58 AM
So we made the megathread which had a TON of resources on it, then made the comment that linked to that megathread for people to do their own research. Rather than remove posts, we approved and left that sticky comment. (edited)
3:58 AM
We didn't really remove any DD
3:59 AM
The only one that got removed got restored
4:00 AM
Although it does take CS a while to get back to us, they've updated their FAQs with all of these answers.
🫧 1
💙 1
4:02 AM
Heat lamp started on another sub, had a part about how we suppress things, but after reaching out to the op 5 times they still wouldn't post it in our sub
4:03 AM
Posts were not removed and consolidated to one thread
4:03 AM
I don't remember that ever happening
4:04 AM
The rest I think is accurate based on my memory
One point not mentioned above is the fact that the DRSyourGME (a sub I was subscribed to) went to grapevine, got their hands on the ledger and called out irl names. I member being a lurker when this was all going down. I wasn't a mod yet. From what I saw, and barely remember, it did seem to me that the mods were a little too "hands on" at that time. But I also get it. I saw the post where DRSyourGME folks went to grapevine and called out irl names which was bad. And for the sake of Superstonk not receiving collateral damage from Reddit admins, something had to be done. Personally I think the mod team did the best that they could at the time, seeing that there could be some real serious consequences to our beloved sub - Superstonk.
4:45 AM
The combination of heat lamp and the ledger call out created a shit storm for sure. But I barely understood or could keep up with all the shit slinging
4:48 AM
I thought that DRSyourGME got removed by Reddit admins cause they called out real names of hodlers, falling under "brigading" by the Reddit admins.
4:48 AM
But that's my speculation
4:49 AM
Maybe those two points are not related - the call out of real names and the heat lamp - but I thought they all kind of happened together and involved some of the smae folks
TiberiusWoodwind 9/19/2023 5:21 AM
I had kind of assumed the names thing to be an attempted pivot at that point to get off the fact that they’d managed to prove themselves wrong about hidden shares. There’s no point to it
I thought that DRSyourGME got removed by Reddit admins cause they called out real names of hodlers, falling under "brigading" by the Reddit admins.
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/19/2023 6:49 AM
Truth is, we don't know for sure. It all happened so fast. I did see a message that they posted from the Radmins about just because things may be legal, it can still break the ToS.
Lyrad (Crybad)
Truth is, we don't know for sure. It all happened so fast. I did see a message that they posted from the Radmins about just because things may be legal, it can still break the ToS.
LastResortFriend 9/19/2023 11:58 AM
I think it was a Radmin reaction to the ape doc brothers claiming doxxing. They were very much in the mainstream spotlight preceding the sub ban and for a little bit afterwards if I recall correctly. Regardless of who was right or wrong when Reddit heard this the immediate reaction was to sever ties, shut it down, and protect their IPO from the potential damage headlines around this ordeal would generate. Just my opinion on why things happened on the reddit side of things.
☝️ 1
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/19/2023 5:01 PM
@Platinumsparkles hey are Reddit mods able to identify if a comment has been edited? Do yall have an audit log?
5:01 PM
Or @Lyrad (Crybad)
5:01 PM
Lairian and I aren't sure
Platinumsparkles 9/19/2023 5:01 PM
Well you can see that it's edited but not what they wrote first
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/19/2023 5:01 PM
Ah gotcha okay
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/19/2023 5:01 PM
We USED to be able to see with one of our bots, but the API changes killed it
Platinumsparkles 9/19/2023 5:02 PM
If they delete it all together we have a clunky tool to see it
5:02 PM
But if they edit there's no way to see the first thing
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/19/2023 5:02 PM
Understood, I appreciate the clarification. Apologies for tagging this late.
Platinumsparkles 9/19/2023 5:02 PM
Time zones
5:02 PM
Don't worry about it
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/19/2023 5:02 PM
(it's 5PM here, you good)
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/19/2023 5:03 PM
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/23/2023 1:54 PM
Got a couple DMs asking why a post regarding the Pulte liking RCs tweet was taken down?
Caffeine & Ketamine
Got a couple DMs asking why a post regarding the Pulte liking RCs tweet was taken down?
Are there mods that don't agree with the existence of the SCC?
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/23/2023 6:35 PM
There were mods very skeptical of the project as a whole (myself being the most outspoken, truth be told).
6:36 PM
It was a unanimous vote to move forward with it though.
6:37 PM
There's mods who aren't particularly participating, but they agree that the SCC is a good thing.
6:37 PM
Honestly my fear was this was going to be a screaming fest at the mods or nonstop criticisms.
6:37 PM
I'm extremely pleased at everything so far.
TiberiusWoodwind 9/23/2023 6:39 PM
I mean……..I’d hate to not meet your expectations.
6:40 PM
Let me grab a bottle of whiskey and I’ll holler at you
😂 1
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/23/2023 6:45 PM
6:46 PM
Lyrad (Crybad)
I'm extremely pleased at everything so far.
Caffeine & Ketamine 9/23/2023 9:29 PM
I'm actually rather surprised with everyone so far. Could have gone terribly, I even mentioned to Luma that you guys took a big gamble doing this and tbh idk if it could have gone any better than this. We're all still getting settled and the sub on the same page of our existence, but it's a hell of a start
🤞 1
I am really pleasantly pleased with the quality of the discussion(s) so far
9:59 PM
It's a little chaotic... hopefully we'll settle in to some better organization. That has nothing to do with the people here - just the framework probably needs to be tightened. I blame myself
Maybe I'll start policing where discussions are held a little, nothing too strict. SCCpolice
👀 1
LumaHammer 1
Lyrad (Crybad)
There were mods very skeptical of the project as a whole (myself being the most outspoken, truth be told).
guantanamo_babies_say_heyy 9/25/2023 10:12 PM
I'm super busy right now, not much time to participate, but what if nobody thinks mods are sus lol. Just throwing that out there. Would it be a fun experiment for a month to ask the community in support of the mods, to wear a flair that says "The Mods Aren't Sus" lol. Just to show support? I'd wear it. Again, I thought the sus thing was a joke. Maybe a SCC community member should bring this up? Ok, bye again 🙂
💖 1
I'm super busy right now, not much time to participate, but what if nobody thinks mods are sus lol. Just throwing that out there. Would it be a fun experiment for a month to ask the community in support of the mods, to wear a flair that says "The Mods Aren't Sus" lol. Just to show support? I'd wear it. Again, I thought the sus thing was a joke. Maybe a SCC community member should bring this up? Ok, bye again 🙂
That's awfully sweet... but for the life of me could not imagine that going well.
10:19 PM
Believe me... there's plenty of people who do not believe our intentions for this community are good.
That's awfully sweet... but for the life of me could not imagine that going well.
guantanamo_babies_say_heyy 9/25/2023 11:37 PM
Well, I just changed my flair to it... and after smoking a bowl and eating a pinapple, yeah, is won't go over well lol.
🫂 2
SCCaww 1
I appreciate your bravery
Rough_Willow 9/28/2023 1:11 PM
Question for the mods, how are you preparing for EOD Friday regarding the BBBY deadline? Is there a plan in place for the possible outcomes?
Question for the mods, how are you preparing for EOD Friday regarding the BBBY deadline? Is there a plan in place for the possible outcomes?
What possible outcomes? /gen
Rough_Willow 9/28/2023 1:30 PM
Bankruptcy and liquification/Miracle Acquisition
Lairian -Flairy Type- 9/28/2023 1:31 PM
Either way, a flood of BBBY Boomers flooding in to either whine or gloat, depending
1:32 PM
As mentioned above though, is there prepared copy to hopefully comfort and welcome them to the GME play?
Question for the mods, how are you preparing for EOD Friday regarding the BBBY deadline? Is there a plan in place for the possible outcomes?
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/28/2023 1:33 PM
No current plan.
Lairian -Flairy Type-
As mentioned above though, is there prepared copy to hopefully comfort and welcome them to the GME play?
Rough_Willow 9/28/2023 1:34 PM
That sounds like a start to a plan. Having the mods have a message ready can help stem backlash either way.
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/28/2023 1:35 PM
Can i just use a gif?
1:35 PM
Lyrad (Crybad)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Rough_Willow 9/28/2023 1:35 PM
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/28/2023 1:35 PM
If there's a miracle acquisition, I'm just going to quit.
😂 1
Lyrad (Crybad)
If there's a miracle acquisition, I'm just going to quit.
Rough_Willow 9/28/2023 1:37 PM
snaps a print screen
💯 2
1:44 PM
This is me with BBBYQ at this point.
snaps a print screen
LastResortFriend 9/28/2023 2:15 PM
Bro go download Gyazo, so much better lol
This is me with BBBYQ at this point.
LastResortFriend 9/28/2023 2:18 PM
It's worth crafting a message of unity and compassion, it would be a powerful thing especially in the midst of all the "I Told You So" posts and comments. It's worth extending the olive branch because many of the bbbyq crowd intended on putting the gains into GME.
2:20 PM
I understand your feelings though, having to deal with the vocal and obnoxious extremists is always corrosive.
💯 1
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 8:45 AM
the shares will probably either be 0 or removed from people's accounts on Monday, since the bk plan effective date is tomorrow. The BBBY sub has the current 8K pinned with the effective date in it.. we havent made any plans about what to do, but since the stock has nothing to do w/GME we would probably remove posts about it
the shares will probably either be 0 or removed from people's accounts on Monday, since the bk plan effective date is tomorrow. The BBBY sub has the current 8K pinned with the effective date in it.. we havent made any plans about what to do, but since the stock has nothing to do w/GME we would probably remove posts about it
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/29/2023 8:50 AM
did you see any of the comments talking about American Airlines?
8:51 AM
They are trying to make the leap that AA shares disappeared and then were replaced with new shares of whoever bought AA
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 8:52 AM
BBB is dissolving and winding down.. nobody bid to continue the business. If shares were part of a bk plan it would be in the bk plan
8:53 AM
even bondholders are mostly getting wiped out and theyd be paid first
8:53 AM
bonds are trading for less than shares
8:54 AM
8:54 AM
this did not happen for bbby
Rough_Willow 9/29/2023 8:54 AM
I believe that EOD will be the ultimate answer, right?
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 8:55 AM
no Monday
👆 1
8:55 AM
they'll be 0 or gone
8:55 AM
it will end up there
8:55 AM
like this
8:56 AM
at least Im pretty sure Monday.. i dont think theyd be able to do it on Sat or Sun
💯 1
Lyrad (Crybad)
They are trying to make the leap that AA shares disappeared and then were replaced with new shares of whoever bought AA
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 10:59 AM
I read that post, I believe the main point was that shareholders got 3.5% very suddenly and that was enough to squeeze the stock for the squeeze players. There really isn't a comparison to make with bbbyq though, regardless of how the play turns out it has one the weirdest and wildest stories besides GME, and def #1 in that regard for bankruptcy cases.
BBB is dissolving and winding down.. nobody bid to continue the business. If shares were part of a bk plan it would be in the bk plan
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/29/2023 11:09 AM
but they can ammend it!
Lyrad (Crybad)
but they can ammend it!
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:13 AM
11:13 AM
if they were to ammend it for shareholders to receive anything, theyd need to have another vote
if they were to ammend it for shareholders to receive anything, theyd need to have another vote
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:14 AM
Bam, gotcha. Crybad never said amend it for shareholders to receive anything, he just said they could amend it!
💥 1
Lyrad (Crybad) 9/29/2023 11:15 AM
Are we missing something blatantly obvious @LastResortFriend ?
11:15 AM
I know you have your ear to the ground for what seems like everything
Lyrad (Crybad)
Are we missing something blatantly obvious @LastResortFriend ?
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:22 AM
No, logically the bears have the bulls by the... horns on this one. They really can amend the plan and there is the extraordinarily vague possibility a white knight swoops in for some reason the 8-K didn't reveal, so it's sorta like the lion king stampede scene until the buffalo trample the shares into dust. Except it's a herd of bears. The tinfoil theorists are being put to the test, the smart ones have shut up until the date is passed. Some like region-formal seem like they just desperately want the bull energy back, even though he was more analysis than tinfoil. Hoo boy if that magical white knight shows up, even if he's not who it was theorized to be, there's gonna be sparks and fireworks and a lot of shit flinging from ecstatic people collecting gains and schadenfreude haha.
Lyrad (Crybad)
I know you have your ear to the ground for what seems like everything
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:23 AM
I can tell you a bit about the stock options though from a personal standpoint (edited)
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:23 AM
they had a chance to bid at the auctions, and nobody bid to keep the business going
11:24 AM
if the lawyers knew about another plan theyd be commiting fraud rn by not saying anything about it (edited)
11:24 AM
there's 45mill in assets and 1.5 bill in liabilities
11:24 AM
no stores, employees, inventory, and no brands
11:24 AM
nothing really to buy
nothing really to buy
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:25 AM
The bull response to that is to bring up squeezing the shorts. We're so close to the end though I don't see a point to anymore back and forth lmao
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:26 AM
nobody can buy though so i dont see how a squeeze is possible.. shorts could wait til its cancelled and get a courtesy close
11:27 AM
at 7 cents a share, we're watching retail throw away almost $55 million
11:27 AM
bc thats going to vanish next week
nobody can buy though so i dont see how a squeeze is possible.. shorts could wait til its cancelled and get a courtesy close
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:27 AM
So I thought it was going to a cent or less by now. I'm even still very partially invested, and I was shocked at the +86% day that happened. I think it was on less than 5 mil volume and only the "experts" were trading.
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:27 AM
yeah it should be
11:27 AM
bonds are at a penny
11:27 AM
retail is still holding
11:28 AM
institutions got out
retail is still holding
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:29 AM
It really is a lotto ticket play and most have lost so much that 1% or .4% isn't worth cashing out if it means keeping the slightest glimmer of hope.
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:29 AM
all retail
11:29 AM
eh Id say some money > 0$
11:29 AM
but Im still going to hold one share lol
but Im still going to hold one share lol
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:30 AM
@Lyrad (Crybad) I kept a 50 cent call to experiment with lol
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:30 AM
i dont think they have options?
I got into bobby when RC got in 50 @ $15
i dont think they have options?
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:30 AM
There's legacy options from before tha bankruptcy >:) (edited)
I wrote it off as a loss
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:31 AM
So after the bankruptcy the options became PCO
11:31 AM
But get this, when it went Expert the buy AND sell button was shut off for the options (edited)
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:31 AM
11:31 AM
no options in otc
no options in otc
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:32 AM
my bad, I meant to say expert
11:32 AM
You could still sell them when it was OTC
11:32 AM
Just not buyem
11:32 AM
So today I tried to exercise the one I saved
You could still sell them when it was OTC
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:33 AM
oh I must be confusing the 2 lol
lemme go dump that 💩
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:33 AM
And Fidelity said they could not let me as they would get a FINRA fine if they let a client exercise out of the money like that
11:33 AM
But then the let me sell rofl, they opened up a small window to allow my account to do that.
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:34 AM
oh interesting
11:34 AM
LOL oh wow
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:34 AM
Haven't we seen apes exercise Deep OTM calls before, just fine?
Platinumsparkles 9/29/2023 11:34 AM
idk why anyone would want to do that
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:35 AM
I remember it being in like 2021 when we had fresh excited regards doing stuff for lolz haha
11:36 AM
And honestly? Both me and the rep on the phone were giggling at me flushing 50 down the toilet so I could see what the expert market would allow haha
idk why anyone would want to do that
LastResortFriend 9/29/2023 11:40 AM
Oh and one last thing Plat, I know you butted heads with some of the bbby bulls a few times, regardless of outcome if you want a mediator to reach out to anyone let me know. I'm not the most known in that sphere but I can drop something from my post history that makes them take me a bit more seriously than people they don't know.
💖 1
👍 1
I have another question. How many scc members have mod notes on the sub and what are they?
I have another question. How many scc members have mod notes on the sub and what are they?
What are mod notes? (edited)
I have another question. How many scc members have mod notes on the sub and what are they?
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/4/2023 9:22 PM
Ohhh trying to get us in trouble?
9:24 PM
If you tell me your user name, I'll look you up
What are mod notes? (edited)
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/4/2023 9:25 PM
We can leave notes on users that only we can see
9:25 PM
Helpful at a glance to know if a person historically is a problem.
Lyrad (Crybad)
If you tell me your user name, I'll look you up
I use the same username on Reddit, I'm mostly curious if I have any notes on my account lol
I use the same username on Reddit, I'm mostly curious if I have any notes on my account lol
10:53 PM
Lairian -Flairy Type- 10/5/2023 11:14 PM
Quick, add a "SCC member" note
LastResortFriend 10/9/2023 7:36 PM
Oh, me next y'all got me really curious now lmao
I don't even wanna ask mine. Went off on some ppl
LastResortFriend 10/9/2023 7:43 PM
I wouldn't mind knowing for him either ^ jk jk haha
TiberiusWoodwind 10/9/2023 7:54 PM
I imagine most of mine are "aggressive, rude, needs to chill out"
😂 2
Lairian -Flairy Type- 10/9/2023 7:56 PM
I imagine most of mine are "aggressive, rude, needs to chill out"
I think I got a temp ban along the way. Not sure. Annoyed me is ugly af
I think I got a temp ban along the way. Not sure. Annoyed me is ugly af
TiberiusWoodwind 10/9/2023 9:13 PM
lol, I got banned from the SS server before for telling Crybad to go fuck himself. it happens
😂 2
lol, I got banned from the SS server before for telling Crybad to go fuck himself. it happens
Rough_Willow 10/10/2023 6:04 AM
lol, I got banned from the SS server before for telling Crybad to go fuck himself. it happens
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/10/2023 6:50 AM
Just FYI, I didn't ban you. I don't know how to ban on discord. glares at Lairian
🤣 1
Lairian -Flairy Type- 10/10/2023 8:38 AM
8:39 AM
When there is aught in your life that vexes you, blame birds. They neither care, nor can they muster much of a defense.
Caffeine & Ketamine 10/12/2023 12:34 PM getting some requests to essentially prove I'm an investor and DRS. Annoying, but understandable. I realize I'm under no obligation to do so, but to remain from being a hypocrite in the light of transparency... How exactly would / have you all handled a request like this? This account on Reddit is because I was previously doxxed rather aggressively so im hesitant to expose myself to any possibility of data/ information leaking...
12:35 PM
Need some third party opinions on how to handle this
12:36 PM
Because while I want the community to understand I'm 100%GME, I don't want to feed into this idea that I have to expose myself to every kneejerk request of skepticism
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/12/2023 12:57 PM
Ohhh man, what a question.
Purity tests suck. I don’t stand for it. On the SOTA Discord(failed NFT project) articblizzchill was giving me crap about that I’m of the mind to call a spade a spade. It’s entirely inappropriate to ask someone to prove their position (who the fuck are they to ask you for that personal info) /rant (edited)
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/12/2023 12:58 PM
First very general question. Do you need to be DRSed in order to be a mod, or a contributing member for that matter?
1:04 PM
Second point. There are many out there who HATE the mod team and want to see us burn. Take myself for instance, I've had multiple people try to doxx me and there has been a report filed with the FBI/SEC for me having an option trading sub. If I was to post my purple circle, it would have been easy for my name/address to be looked up by people who don't like me during that ledger visit.
1:06 PM
I'd hate for anyone in a position of scrutiny open themselves up to attacks from people with opposing views
Caffeine & Ketamine 10/12/2023 1:35 PM
Imo, no. Does it help? I guess? Shows dedication, but tbh were all individual investors. So it's not our place to position a gatekeep on someone. That's my issue, I don't want anyone to be able to log/piece together/ in any way pull meta data from photos via tineye etc. I've already dealt with this before.
1:36 PM
So im walking a line of how do I provide sufficient evidence without doxxing myself, let alone do I even need to.... It's just odd.
1:37 PM
Another issue I'm facing is what if they request more, when does the demand end? (edited)
Caffeine & Ketamine
Another issue I'm facing is what if they request more, when does the demand end? (edited)
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/12/2023 1:50 PM
This is why we hate to succumb to peer pressure. Once we give a bit, there's no end to what will be asked for. Example: someone wanted to verify that mods all had good jobs and weren't hurting for cash. On the other hand, if we make too much, then that's sus too
Lyrad (Crybad)
This is why we hate to succumb to peer pressure. Once we give a bit, there's no end to what will be asked for. Example: someone wanted to verify that mods all had good jobs and weren't hurting for cash. On the other hand, if we make too much, then that's sus too
Caffeine & Ketamine 10/12/2023 1:51 PM
Yeah thats just insane to ask that. I understand that not everyone we deal with is genuine or of the right state of mind.
This purity tests or If you haven't DRS'd you don't belong here . What happend to there is no wrong way to Hold?
2:36 PM
I am DRS 'd and for true ownership that I shall do. But forcing Apes to uncomfortable corner is definitely not the way.
2:37 PM
I deletedalmost all of my bot entries after the Grapevine crusade.
2:38 PM
This is GME only sub, not I don't see the sign that says DRS'D GME MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED
Lyrad (Crybad)
This is why we hate to succumb to peer pressure. Once we give a bit, there's no end to what will be asked for. Example: someone wanted to verify that mods all had good jobs and weren't hurting for cash. On the other hand, if we make too much, then that's sus too
Let's start doing credit checks too.
This purity tests or If you haven't DRS'd you don't belong here . What happend to there is no wrong way to Hold?
Caffeine & Ketamine 10/12/2023 3:33 PM
There isn't. A major issue I have, in regards to that very thing, is the aggressive plan v book people who demand allegiance to their method of holding. While I'm personally automatically booked due to fidelity transfers, I've never once felt the need to chastise someone for not doing it.
3:33 PM
So I totally agree
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/12/2023 3:33 PM
Actually, let me ask you guys a question. Should the mods of superstonk be DRSed?
3:34 PM
(No wrong answer, just want opinions)
If they want to. This again comes back to personal opinions. Do I trust brokers? Absolutely not.
Lyrad (Crybad)
Actually, let me ask you guys a question. Should the mods of superstonk be DRSed?
Rough_Willow 10/12/2023 4:35 PM
Yes. It's the safest place to hold shares.
Lyrad (Crybad)
Actually, let me ask you guys a question. Should the mods of superstonk be DRSed?
Caffeine & Ketamine 10/12/2023 5:05 PM
Objectively, none of our damn business. Subjectively, I think DRS is a fantastic way to hold shares and contributes to the Infinity Pool, and opens up a revolution by examining how people can invest.
Yes. It's the safest place to hold shares.
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/12/2023 5:10 PM
I didn't mean should, as in is it a good idea? I guess I should have said, should the mods of superstonk be required to be DRSed? (edited)
Lyrad (Crybad)
I didn't mean should, as in is it a good idea? I guess I should have said, should the mods of superstonk be required to be DRSed? (edited)
Rough_Willow 10/12/2023 5:15 PM
Personally? Absolutely. We all wish to be filthy rich and I'm a full supporter of the MOASS via DRS theories.
Rough_Willow 10/13/2023 5:46 PM
Why have all the Form 4 posts been removed?
@Superstonk Mod
Why have all the Form 4 posts been removed?
... They have?
5:48 PM
What day were they posted?
i got it
Rough_Willow 10/13/2023 5:49 PM
Yup, suddenly they were all gone. Today, I just got the email about twenty minutes ago that a new Form 4 was posted.
They didn't respond to QV bot
5:49 PM
None of them
5:49 PM
All those fast posters are often using bots
5:49 PM
I approved the first one RW
None of them
Rough_Willow 10/13/2023 5:49 PM
I wouldn't doubt it.
Why have all the Form 4 posts been removed?
Usually we remove all but the first/best and every once in a while one of us fucks up and removes one at the same time. With rc tweets or insider buys we usually communicate which one stays but we might have messed up on this one
It wasn't any of us, it was the bot self-destruct
5:50 PM
No, it wasn't us in this case
5:50 PM
Bonus points if somebody finds me a link to sticky
No, it wasn't us in this case
Oh well, yay? Lol
Yeah, let's keep the bar low by explaining how we could fuck up early and often
5:50 PM
But in this case it wasn't us
Rough_Willow 10/13/2023 5:51 PM
Damn lazy Millennials!
Bonus points if somebody finds me a link to sticky
Posted by 5harkb1te - No votes and 1 comment
5:51 PM
That post has the link
5:51 PM
Sorry I'm on mobile
5:52 PM
The OG post has more momentum
5:52 PM
I removed the second and restored the first
5:53 PM
Thanks all
5:53 PM
Ok, I'm really leaving now
thanks 2
I was told to ask about the coat hanger incident
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/20/2023 3:13 PM
Paging @luma44
3:18 PM
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/20/2023 3:26 PM
Man the coloring on your Luma is messed up
Now I wanna know too.
👀 1
You wouldn't believe... Some of the things that people post... That I will generously describe as being of no relationship to GME.
9:41 AM
It has been a while... But there are some things that are so off topic... It's entirely possible people think they're posting to an entirely different sub.
9:41 AM
I think this is as much of an explanation as I am willing to provide.
9:41 AM
I mean that with all due respect for this group and the people who have chosen to post... Such things on the Internet
Now I wanna know too.
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/23/2023 9:55 AM
Think Rule 34 with a coat hanger.... It was top 3 things that I have burned into my brain that I wish I never saw. It's now an epic lore story and part of the hazing process for new mods.
9:55 AM
But yea, I shouldn't have brought it up. Sorry for opening that pandora's box
SCCpolice 1
Lyrad (Crybad)
Think Rule 34 with a coat hanger.... It was top 3 things that I have burned into my brain that I wish I never saw. It's now an epic lore story and part of the hazing process for new mods.
Say no more. I am a victim of 3 girls.....
Lyrad (Crybad) 10/23/2023 10:11 AM
Me too....
Not as bad as giraffes
😆 1
Caffeine & Ketamine 11/9/2023 8:55 AM
Will there be an discussion/working towards a Toys 4 Tots/ Charity fundraiser this year? I know I've advocated for a Charity of the Quarter, but I have someone requesting info on any EoY Charity through Superstonk
Caffeine & Ketamine
Will there be an discussion/working towards a Toys 4 Tots/ Charity fundraiser this year? I know I've advocated for a Charity of the Quarter, but I have someone requesting info on any EoY Charity through Superstonk
Lyrad (Crybad) 11/9/2023 9:23 AM
We actually just got word from Buttfarm that he doesn't have time to do it this year (he has headed it up the last few years). So as of right now, we don't have anyone leading the charge for it.
Lyrad (Crybad)
We actually just got word from Buttfarm that he doesn't have time to do it this year (he has headed it up the last few years). So as of right now, we don't have anyone leading the charge for it.
Caffeine & Ketamine 11/9/2023 9:36 AM
What are the requirements for it to get going??
9:36 AM
I'll step in if I can
Lyrad (Crybad) 11/9/2023 9:43 AM
Let me poke BF69
Caffeine & Ketamine 11/9/2023 9:48 AM
Sounds good. I sent a DM as well, but im sure they'll respond to you more quickly than me
Rough_Willow 11/16/2023 9:46 AM
So, how are mods selected? Is it possible to ramp up adding moderators to get better 24/7 coverage? Maybe ask some of our sister subs in the european timezones to also be mods on Superstonk?
🚫 1
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